
Extensiontoautomaticallymutebackgroundtabsifthecurrenttabisplayingaudio.Thisallowsforfastswitchingbetweendifferentaudioplayingtabs.,2023年10月17日—Automaticallymutesbackgroundtabs.Extensiontoautomaticallymutebackgroundtabsifthecurrenttabisplayingaudio.,AutoMuteautomaticallymuteseverytabopenedinyourbrowser,effectivelyallowingyoutoopt-intohearaudioinawebpage,insteadofforcingyoutoopt-out ...,2018...

Auto Tab Mute

Extension to automatically mute background tabs if the current tab is playing audio. This allows for fast switching between different audio playing tabs.

Auto Tab Mute

2023年10月17日 — Automatically mutes background tabs. Extension to automatically mute background tabs if the current tab is playing audio.

AutoMute - Chrome Web Store

AutoMute automatically mutes every tab opened in your browser, effectively allowing you to opt-in to hear audio in a web page, instead of forcing you to opt-out ...

How to automatically mute a website within Google ...

2018年5月3日 — Using the new settings, Chrome now allows you to specify, on a per-site basis, whether to allow or block (or mute) Flash and audio, or simply ...

How to Automatically Mute New Tabs in Chrome and Firefox

2018年1月29日 — Here's how to default all new tabs to be silent, so that your browser doesn't compete with your music or make it obvious you're browsing websites at work.

Is it possible to mute all other tabs except for the active tab?

2022年5月27日 — It looks like you have to Alt+Shit+N on each tab. I move between a lot of video tabs and would just like the audio to play as soon as the tab is the active tab.

Mute Every Website Automatically with This Chrome ...

2018年3月29日 — Instead, you have to click on the AutoMute extension icon, which should show up to the right of your browser's URL bar once it's installed. It ...

New tabs are auto

2022年11月18日 — It sounds like the internal Chromium switch for allowing sites to play audio was changed. You can go to chrome://settings/content/sound and make sure Sites ...


This Chrome extension automatically mutes and blurs annoying video ads that show up while watching a YouTube video. It also auto clicks the Skip Ad button.

Tabs Muted, Can't Unmute

2022年9月19日 — Try disabling hardware acceleration to see if it works. To do that, go to chrome://settings/system and toggle the second option under System ...